Ken Grassi Former Downtown Business Owner, Passes at 66

Ken Grassi Former Downtown Business Owner, Passes at 66


Ken Grassi, former Downtown Tacoma business owner, and advocate passed away last week.

Grassi operated his restaurant in Downtown Tacoma for 23 years before moving locations in 2013.

He was also a big advocate for the growth of the Downtown Tacoma community, as he was the former President of the Downtown Merchants.

Owners of Leroy Jewelers, Steph and Phyllis said, “Ken was one of the nicest people I’ve ever met, always sincere.” Steph said that at every community meeting Grassi would bring breakfast to the rest of the Downtown Merchant group.

Phyllis reminisced on Grassi’s role in bringing the holiday spirits Downtown, as he helped initiate the decorations for the holiday tree and our beloved holiday Tacoma star decorations.

Grassi was a leader for our community and he will be missed here in Downtown Tacoma.

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