New Year, New You. 6 ways to get fit in Downtown Tacoma.

New Year, New You. 6 ways to get fit in Downtown Tacoma.


Welcome to 2020. A new year, a new decade and the perfect opportunity to get in the best shape of your life. Downtown Tacoma is full of passionate trainers, teachers and coaches who offer yoga to power lifting and everything in between. Check out this list, pick your style, and get to it.

RUN SUPER with Super Studios 253

Super Studios 253 offers a variety of classes including BARRE, HIIT and Kickboxing. However, if you want to learn how to run and more importantly how to run safe and strong then their RUN SUPER classes are for you. The next RUN SUPER program kicks off January 29th. Learn more about Super Studios. 915 Pacific Ave.

POWERLIFT with Habit Strength & Conditioning

Squat – Bench – Deadlift. Powerlifting is a test of true strength. The coaches at Habit Strength & Conditioning are ready and willing to help you find your strong. Habit also offers small group and HIIT classes. Learn more about Habit Strength & Conditioning. 615 S Baker Street.


Find your strength, confidence and community at The Studio Tacoma. The Studio is Pilates for the modern human. Driven by music. Supported in Small Groups. The Studio blends classical Pilates with modern fitness philosophy. Learn more about The Studio Tacoma. 1742 Pacific Ave.


While Yoga Wild has a studio located in Downtown Tacoma, they offer classes in a variety of spaces. Yoga Wild recognizes that nature is messy and not perfect and the more we are around that the more we realize it’s okay to be messy and not perfect as well.  Learn more about Yoga Wild. 1102 A Street Suite 103.

SPIN AND SWEAT with Handlebar Cycling Studio

Handlebar Cycling Studio is built around a love for cycling and teaching. They are passionate about fitness and authentic to the sport. Riders are the top priority. Their focus is to make each and every rider, whether seasoned or a first-timer, feel comfortable and special. Learn more about Handlebar Cycling Studio. 715 Commerce Street.

GET VERTICAL with Athena Vertical Dance

Athena Vertical offers pole and aerial arts classes that are sure to bring your fitness to a whole other level. Give Athena Vertical Dance a month to show you that you can become strong, sexy and fit!! And all while laughing and having fun. Learn more about Athena Vertical Dance. 715 Commerce Street.

To find more fitness options click here and then click Beauty + Wellness followed by Fitness.

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