Autumn Leaves & Downtown Please

Autumn Leaves & Downtown Please


Fall and Back to School are almost here!

Next week kids and teenagers in Tacoma will be heading off to full-capacity in-person classes for the first time in over a year. Parents and kids are busy preparing for their new routine and we’re here to help let you know of some back-to-school and Fall essentials here in Downtown Tacoma.

Each week in September, we’ll be posting about shops, restaurants, and activities that you need to check out as summer comes to an end and the weather gets cooler. Check out the 5 best places to shop for back to school in Downtown Tacoma by clicking here and stay tuned for more to come.

We’ll also be posting on our Instagram, @downtowntacomapartnership, each day about businesses you need to check out Downtown!

We’re so excited here at Downtown Tacoma Partnership to be entering another beautiful Fall season in the Pacific Northwest and we can’t wait to experience it with you all!

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