
You’ve probably seen us around town. We are in the street sweeper collecting trash and debris. We are the security officers in bright yellow. Maybe you have seen us changing banners or hanging flowers. For over 30 years we have been working tirelessly to keep downtown Tacoma clean, safe and welcoming.

We are known as the BIA (Business Improvement Area), but what happens when the area has been improved? It becomes time to look to what is next. So much of our work over these years has been partnering with downtown property owners and stakeholders to address the needs of our downtown. One of the needs that has emerged from these conversations is marketing and promotion for all the incredible businesses and organizations that make us who we are.

Through public feedback, conversations with the Board, and working with other downtown stakeholders, we decided the BIA needed to evolve. It became apparent that many people in our community weren’t quite sure what or who the BIA is. So, we teamed up with Rusty George Creative and are pleased to announce we are now the Downtown Tacoma Partnership. With our new direction, we will focus on marketing businesses and events through our new website and social media platforms.  By addressing vacancies through our newly hired retail advocate, we will improve retail downtown, with the goal of becoming source for all things downtown while maintaining our existing services. We are excited for this change and ready to show everyone what’s new in downtown Tacoma.

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